
English setters are a wonderful breed - meant for wonderful people!

Use this site to find information on the breed (and events), to connect with others, find a breeder - or a rescued dog - join the club or just to look at beautiful pictures of English setters (hint: see the videos and photos at the bottom of the page). Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Be an integral part of the ESAA website - become a guest blogger!

ESAA needs you!

Well, actually we need your input. This site is built for members of ESAA and lovers of English Setters everywhere, thus, we need to have many perspectives, articles, photos, videos and updates from events on here as possible. This is your site and you have a say in to what goes on here. 

Here's what you can you:
1) become a regional correspondent (send news from the specialties in your area)
2) write a feature blog on an event or activity (200 - 300 words max) plus photos
3) help create videos of English setters or photo slide shows
4) take our polls and suggest new ones
5) return to the site often and tell us what you want to see on the site
6) most of all - be engaged with your dogs! Love them and do things with them - every day. :)

Hug those setters,

Saturday, June 18, 2011

2011 NATIONAL Specialty

Oct 26 - 28, Oconomowoc, WI

Start your planning now!  Come together ... in Wisconsin.

For further info on the fabulous upcoming National Specialty in gorgeous Wisconsin just click the image below or go to http://www.esaanational.com/ directly


English Setter Colors

English Setters come in 3 main color variations - orange belton, blue belton and tri-colored.   Belton is the name of the beautiful dappling pattern that is unique to English Setters - it's named after the town in England where Sir Edward Laverack was developing the breed in the early 1800s.

Less common are the lemon belton (similar to orange belton but with pink nose and eye rims) and liver belton (rich brown colored ticking with flesh-colored nose and eye rims).

Color depth can vary from almost pure white to almost solid roan but uniform ticking over the body is desired.

Learn more about the English Setter history here.

Friday, June 17, 2011

June Newsletter

The June newsletter is now available online and it's chock full of great articles, news and information about the National.  Be sure to check your inbox for the link to read it now!

Not a member?  Sign up today and enjoy the benefits of the newsletter and being part of the English Setter family!