Become a Member!
Join in the fun of being a part of the National club with your dog. You'll meet great people and share in the love of the majesty and elegance of this wonderful breed.
The English Setter Association of America (ESAA)
If you are thinking of adding an English Setter to your home, then you have come to the right place to learn more about this wonderful breed. If you already own an English Setter, then congratulations! English Setters are something of a well-kept secret with only about 100 AKC litters registered each year.
The English Setter Association of America has been in existence for almost 70 years as the parent club of AKC (American Kennel Club) English Setters in the United States. Our job is to protect and conserve the breed, as well as to look to its future. We do this by investing in health and genetic testing; having members sign a Code of Ethics; encouraging good breeding practices, holding events such as a National specialty, a National field trial, obedience, agility, hunting, rally, and other activities with our dogs; dedicating ourselves to English Setter rescue; and offering seminars and other educational opportunities for members.
As someone interested in the breed, we invite you to get to know us. Please browse through our web site. Look at the photos of our members and their dogs. Talk to some of our members. Attend some of our events in your area. We would be very happy if you would like to join us and become a member.
Why Should You Join?
Membership DOES have it's privileges!
- monthly newsletter with showcase ads, news and other information for members
- beautiful hardback annual publication with several hundred pages of photos
- show your puppies in the club's National Futurity (with a chance to win the futurity loot!)
- Membership in ESAA also gives you voting privileges to help guide the future of the breed and the parent club
Join us ... and become part of the English Setter family!
We hope you will consider joining ESAA. Everyone interested in English Setters is welcome to join. We have many members who have English Setters as pets and companions. But if you do show your dog, you will find many willing mentors in the club.
If you are interested in Junior Showmanship, ESAA is a very encouraging club with many activities and rewards for kids with their dogs.
So, whether you love to burn up the agility course with your dog, or your dog loves to hunt, or the two of you just like to curl up on the sofa and watch TV, you will find others in the ESAA who like to do the same with their English Setters. We look forward to getting to know you.
Membership Information
- New Member Application
- Member Renewal Application
- Regional Club Member Form
- Constitution & By-laws
- Membership Chairperson
There are responsibilities that go with owning an English Setter and being part of ESAA. When you apply for membership you will be asked to sign the club's Code of Ethics. We take this code very seriously.